Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Edinson is No Skywalker

Little bothers me more than crap about how coaches or fans or teammates have hurt a player's confidence. So Buck and Hart may have derailed Volquez because of rushing his development. No! Their problem was believing in a man who doesn't believe in himself. A player that can't overcome adversity will be no more than mediocre at the plate or throwing to it.

All teams that win championships are fueled by a confidence that they are the best. Not lip service, but an inspiration, many times fueled by a superstar, that elevates everyone's consciousness to a premier level. No matter the profession, the best at what they do have been considered outstanding for most of their existence, but each of these people reaches a point when he has to work for it, maybe the first time in his life (think Luke with Yoda) and those that are tough enough become the pinnacle (Jedi's).

Anyone that weak needs to be cut so that his insecurities do not infect others. Adios.

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