Thursday, March 29, 2007

So True?

I rarely use the word "hate," but I hate when people lie to me; and I think the Rangers are not telling the TRUTH about hiring ball girls. This from VP Alicia Nevins:
We're trying to provide an equal opportunity for females and males," Ms. Nevins said. "There really has not been a way for females to actually participate on the field of play in Major League Baseball."
OK. So I bought that until I saw that the girls will be wearing uniforms sponsored by Seen the ads for this dating site? Stereotypical and offensive to women. This bothers me more than anything the Rangers have done in years.

I've been a fan of the team for my entire life, not because they win (obviously), but becuase I've liked the team. The unforms. The players. And unlike the other sports teams in Dallas, I'm more willing to deal with losing if we do it the right way with the right people. This advertising ploy isn't what this team is about. Or at least what it use to be about.

1 comment:

Softstamp9 said...

I was at the try-outs for the "ball girls". In my opinion it was more of a "beauty" contest then it was athletic. Like one of the more talented - athletic - participants has said "they won't be pretty anymore when they miss a hot foul ball and catch in the face."

It is just a marketing ploy!!!